Future Photographer Here!!
Friday, January 28th, 2022 - Bilmar Beach Resort In Treasure Island, FL
It was a pretty chilly day as we Set out to capture Photos for a beautiful wedding at the Bilmar Beach Resort in Treasure Island, FL. We pull into the parking Lot, unload all our crazy equipment and head in. The Wedding day started as most do, with us capturing Pre-Ceremony/getting ready photos of our awesome bride and groom. The Wedding day was going great and was proceeding as normal. we had just finished our bride and groom's creative session down on the beach when our groom's nephew comes over to hang out! After watching us for a little while He asks if he can take a photo of his Uncle is his new wife with our cameras. (we absolutely loved when this happens.) it was Literally just the sweetest thing, so of course we said yes!!! My husband unhooks his camera, hands it to the young man and next we know he is telling the bride and groom to look at each other, go in for a kiss. Man this kid was a pro! We look over at his parents to say "yall need to get this kid a camera" and Everyone laughed.
Throughout the evening he continued to show an interest in photography. He even asked if he could help us with lighting. So we let him hold up the light for a few photos. As the evening was coming to a close he wanted to take a few more photos and again we said yes. He took one last photo of the bride and groom laughing and our evening Came to an end.
It was amazing being out capturing a wedding and having one of the kids love what you are doing and want to do it as well.